What is a clone in GitHub?
Cloning a Git repository means creating a local copy of code provided by a developer. It's done using the command
git clone
, and it allows you to have the code on your local machine.How much space do we get on GitHub?
GitHub provides 1 GB of space, but if your repository exceeds this limit, GitHub Support may send you a polite email asking you to reduce the repository's size. There's also a limit of 100 MB on individual files.
What do you know about GitHub and its repository?
GitHub is a source code management system suitable for both small and large software development projects. It's known for its reliability and is preferred for managing computer code. A repository in Git is a directory where metadata about the project is stored, and it can be either shared or private.
How can you define user information, repository behavior, and programming preferences in Git?
You can use the
git config
command to set user information, repository behavior, and programming preferences in Git.What is the purpose of the GIT stash?
The Git stash is used to store the current state of a project so that developers can continue working on it later. It's useful when developers need to switch to another task while actively working on something to avoid losing their edits.
Name a tool for Git migration.
SubGit is a tool that can be used for Git migration.
What are some benefits of using GitHub over other platforms?
GitHub offers high availability, excellent support, data replication, redundancy, error-free outcomes, platform independence, and collaboration-friendly features, making it a popular choice for developers.
What programming language is Git based on, and what's the benefit of this choice?
Git is primarily based on the C programming language. This choice helps minimize runtime overhead and makes Git compatible with various domains and existing work.
Compare Git with SVN.
Git is not ideal for handling large files, while SVN can handle multiple projects in a single repository. Git struggles with supporting commits in multiple branches, whereas SVN can handle this more easily.
What are the major factors to consider in software development?
Software development should consider understanding client or task requirements, feature richness, security, reliability, code length, and factors that influence the code.
Tell about your experience with GitHub-based projects you've worked on.
This question seeks information about your projects, challenges faced, project outcomes, benefits to the organization and your development experience, project scope, and project completion time.
Is there an upper limit on the number of heads in Git repositories?
There is no specific limit on the number of heads in Git repositories. Heads refer to references to committed objects and can vary for different branches.
Explain the GitHub development process.
The GitHub development process is similar to the software development life cycle. It includes requirements analysis, project specifications, software architecture, real-time implementation, testing, documentation, maintenance, training, and support.
Is GitHub better than Subversion, and why?
GitHub is often preferred over Subversion because it's open-source, allows easy version control, and provides a quick review of code changes and a history of modifications, which Subversion may not offer.
What was the biggest problem you faced in a GitHub project?
Discuss any challenges or problems you encountered while working on a GitHub project and how you resolved them. Problem-solving skills are essential in development.
How many characters are in the SHA-1 name?
The SHA-1 name is a 40-character string, but it can vary in some special cases.
Distinguish between computer software and a computer program.
A computer program is a part of programming code responsible for task execution, while computer software encompasses the code for programming, usage guides, and related documents.
How can a developer update remote references to different objects in Git?
This is done through the Git
command, which is used to update remote references.What is the significance of software development?
Software development is vital in the current corporate world as it saves time, minimizes dependency on humans, and governs, controls, and accomplishes tasks efficiently. The scope of software development is extensive, and using the best available technology is essential.
Is it possible to merge a branch into the master in Git? How can you do it?
Yes, it's possible to merge a branch into the master in Git. You can check for this option in the branch section to perform the merge.
Are you familiar with Git Clone?
Git Clone is a command used to copy an existing Git repository. It's a common practice among programmers, and it can be used for both small and large projects.
Name two common Git repository hosting services.
Two common Git repository hosting services are Visual Studio Online and Git Enterprise.
What is the SHA-1 name used for?
SHA-1 is a string character used for identifying committed objects in Git. It's crucial for tracking changes and maintaining a history of modifications.
Is it possible to create a repository in Git, and what needs to be done before creating one?
Yes, it's possible to create a Git repository. Before doing so, you need to create a directory defining the project and its information.
What is branching in Git, and what are its benefits?
Branching in Git allows users to create sets of tasks. It enables developers to switch between tasks, work on multiple things simultaneously, and boost productivity without compromising the code.
What is Gitlog, and when is it used?
Gitlog is a command used to view the history of a project based on date, changes made, developer contributions, and other relevant information.
Explain a conflict situation in Git and how to resolve it.
A conflict in Git occurs when two commits change the same place. To resolve it, you need to edit the conflicting files through the appropriate procedure.
Name an alternative method for merging in Git.
An alternative method for merging in Git is rebasing. It's a more advanced technique and is generally preferred by experienced Git users.
List a few graphical Git clients for Linux platforms.
Some graphical Git clients for Linux are Git-g, Git Cola, Git GUI, and Giggle. They can be used independently or in conjunction with each other.
What is the significance of Git version control?
Git version control is essential for tracking changes to files and their versions. It captures snapshots of changes, keeping them in the repository, and is a critical aspect of collaborative software development.
What is a commit message in Git?
A commit message in Git is a message displayed when changes are committed. It allows you to keep a record of changes made, which can be useful for later reference.
How can users enhance the functionality of a branch in Git?
Users can enhance the functionality of a branch by adding desired features to it using the
git merge
command. There is no strict limit on the number of features a branch can have.Explain what a Git gist is.
A Git gist is a way to share work on GitHub. It can include code snippets, notes, to-do lists, and more. Each gist is a Git repository and can be forked and cloned.
How can we create a gist in GitHub?
To create a gist in GitHub, sign in, navigate to the gist home page, provide a description and name for the gist, input the gist text, and choose whether to make it public or secret.
What is gist programming?
Gist programming involves using GitHub to host and share code snippets, notes, to-do lists, and more. Gists can be saved as either public or secret repositories in GitHub.